
Do you want to know more about gelato? Check out our blog!

plastic? no thanks!

As you probably know by now we take our gelato seriously, making it from scratch using the most natural and fresh ingredients. We also take environmental preservation seriously and only use packaging that adheres to this philosophy.

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only compostable items

Single-use plastic is literally destroying our planet, representing 50% of marine litter. These items are made to last forever, thus large swaths of our oceans have become littered with containers, spoons, and straws, made from them.

We firmly believe in sustainability so we avoid using any kind of packaging or materials made from plastic. Instead, we are committed to only using products that are made from renewable sources and certified compostable.

Biodegradable? Not enough. Biodegradable simply means that something will be broken down over time by microbes whether it takes 1 year, 100 years, or 1,000 years. Compostable means something will be broken down over a reasonable amount of time, leaving behind no toxic residue, and safely becoming an additive to soil.

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green is the new black

Our gelato cups are made with bagasse. What is it? Bagasse is an often incinerated or discarded by-product of sugar production. It is the fiber that remains after extraction of juice from sugarcane. Since bagasse is a waste product, it doesn’t require additional cultivation lands and has no impact on the area of forests.

Our gelato cups may not be as cool as the classic (plastic) cups of many other gelato and ice cream shops with their bright colors, but making colorful cups isn’t our goal, protecting and preserving our planet is.

And what about the spoons? They’re made from wood, not plastic.

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we wear our commitment on our shoulder

Many companies and products claim to be green but, when put to the test, the unfortunately fail. We personally oversee our quality control process to ensure our commitments to environmental sustainability and preservation are upheld. To do so we use the BPI certification program, the largest such program for compostable products and packaging in North America non-profit association.